Sunday, 27 July 2008

Hello, Amman Designers! Hello, Design Education Sector.

Do you know that we all need to teach ourselves a lesson, not only professionals, but colleges and universities, from the school to vocational training to career developments:

Students and designers must be equipped with the right skills to meet design and business needs.
Can you identify skills gaps?
Obviously, Amman has more than its fair share of design skills! Isn't it?
If that is true, what about the country?

Improving designers' skills is a huge task, it is like creating a new era in which the right mix of design skills can be found in the right places.

Note that design is a way of thinking, not a way of making things look pretty.


Bashar Alaeddin said...

couldnt agree with you more man, design is a way of thinking and not making things look pretty. There needs to be some sort of massive shift of thought when it comes to the design industry in amman; especially the advertising sector!

Essam Abu Awad said...

Bashar, true you are. Please read my articles and there you will find me marching with you.
It is known that Design thinking is a process for practical, creative resolution of problems or issues that looks for an improved future result. It is a creative process based around the "building up" of ideas. There are no judgments early on in design thinking. This eliminates the fear of failure and encourages maximum input and participation in the ideation and prototype phases. Not all design sectors or design institution in Jordan is encouraging design thinking in these earlier processes since this can often lead to creative solutions.

Design is used to describe an object or end result, its most effective form is a process, an action, a verb not a noun. A protocol for solving problems and discovering new opportunities.

Bashar, we should note that techniques and tools differ and their effectiveness are arguable but the core of the process stays the same. Through Design we get a full circle to the simple truth about design thinking. That it is a most powerful tool and when used effectively, can be the foundation for driving a brand or business forward.

For me a good design consider:
- Heirarchy -setting priorities.
- Emphasis and focus -the visual expression of hierarchy.
- Contrast
- Tension -throwing things off a little
- Balance -creating a gravitational axis.
- Flow -leading the eye across the surface.
- Depth -leading the eye beyond the surface, or making things jump out from the surface.
- Scale -the illusion of size.
- Movement -the illusion of physical interaction among elements
- Unity -that which holds the piece together.

This way the designer define, research, ideate, prototype, choose and implement to learn. Not to say oh, wow i love it without giving a reason, just a pretty design. what about function and aesthetic principles.